Activities & Services
Men's Fellowship Group
1st Tuesday of the month at
6.30 pm.
A meal is provided.
Contact Fr. Tom Sullivan toowong@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Open Door Sandwich Club
We meet 12:00pm on the first Friday of each month in the Function Room / Book Shop for a time of fellowship.
Community Garden
St Thomas' Community Gardening Group is a local community-based resource that relies on dedicated volunteers who have an interest in gardening and giving back to their community. To read more click here.
Young Men's Fellowship
Meet monthly. See Facebook link below for more info.
We are a group of young men who meet roughly once a month for an informal night of fellowship and socialising.
For details on when and where we're meeting, please see the Facebook group, where updates will be posted.
Contact Joe Samson via Facebook link above.
Parish Choir
Rehearse Thursdays at 7.15 pm
Our Parish Choir rehearse on Thursday evening at 7.15pm and sing on the first Sunday each month at our 8.30am Sung Eucharist.
Contact: Neil Flottman (Choir Director)
Parish Book Shop
Our parish book shop is open from 10am to 2:30pm every Thursday.
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.